
Human Resources

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program

Ally Pin

Fostering diversity and cultivating inclusion is a core value of Tennessee Tech. The Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program is designed to provide employees with the knowledge and skills to help Tennessee Tech achieve our diversity goals and create an inclusive environment for everyone. This program will also provide employees with the skills to foster inclusive excellence in all they do.

The certificate program is an 8-week virtual program that partners with colleagues across campus. Each participant will be awarded a certificate, recognized in Tech Times, receive a specialty item, and invited to the Scholars luncheon. Participants must be able to devote a minimum of 2-3 hours a week for 8-weeks to complete the program and have supervisor approval to participate in the full program.

Topics covered include (but are not limited to):
• Recognizing and Confronting Bias
• Communicating Across Cultures
• Understanding Culturally Sensitive Issues
• Skills for Inclusive Conversations
• From Bystander to Upstander


Dates for future sessions will be announced at a later date.

Human Resources