
Center for Innovation In Teaching and Learning

April 2022

Active Learning & Flipped Classroom
April 5, 2022

In this interactive session, Taylor Chesson covers strategies, best practices, and techniques designed to help you implement active learning and flipped classroom methods in your courses.  

Mathematics in Online Environments
April 12, 2022

During this session, Taylor Chesson will provide an overview of how to add different types of equations to iLearn quizzes as well as using LaTeX in assessments and assignments. 

Asynchonous Online Best Practices
April 19, 2022

Based on the Tech-Direct course modality, Taylor Chesson will present how to implement asynchronous best practices including release conditions, chunking information, and active participation in an online course. 

iLearn: Semester Wrap-Up 
April 26, 2022

The end of the semester is the time to prepare iLearn courses for copying components to the next semester’s courses. This process involves updating Master iLearn courses as well as cleaning up existing semester courses. In this session, Kelvin discusses the exact procedures for adding, deleting, and modifying content topics, quizzes, assignments, discussions, and other iLearn components. The process of copying, exporting, and importing entire courses and between semesters is also explained in detail. Lastly, Kelvin also elaborates on the steps for selecting specific items to be copied as well as how to manage or offset start, end, and due dates. 

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