
Center for Innovation In Teaching and Learning

April 2023

Personalized Learning
April 4, 2023

Personalized learning is an approach to education that tailors instruction to students’ unique strengths, needs, and interests. In this session, we will discuss student-centered strategies for learning objectives, goal setting, ownership, and reflection opportunities. 

Campus Pulse
April 11, 2023

During this session, faculty from three different schools will join instructional designers to discuss insights from our latest round of Small Group Instructional Diagnostics (SGIDs).  Join us as Drs. Rachel Donegan, Carla Hurt, Sally Pardue and Andy Pardue reflect on the SGID process and how they use the results in their teaching. We will discuss common themes across campus that students identified as pertinent to their overall learning experience. 

Engaging Adult Learners with Universal Design for Learning
April 18, 2023

What is andragogy, and how does it differ from pedagogy? What design principles can we use to reach both traditional (18-24) and nontraditional-aged (24+) students in our courses? This workshop will explore recent research on how to engage adult learners and review the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). 

Spring 2023 Semester Wrap-Up and Gradebook 
 April 26, 2023

As the semester wraps up, faculty start to think about grading, making changes for future courses, and preparing for the summer. It is easy to become overwhelmed during this time of year. In this session, we will review a checklist of items to complete to help you close out your current course and prepare for the next semester.  

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